| 1. | The frosts of winter had ceased; its snows were melted, and its cutting winds ameliorated . 冬天的严寒已经消除,雪已融化,刺骨的寒风也缓和了。 |
| 2. | More than 10 cut wounds were found on his left arm , waist , back and legs 他的左手臂、腰部、背部及双腿亦被发现有十多处刀伤。 |
| 3. | The man sustained cut wound at his abdomen and a knife remained on his left chest 该男子向看更透露他被两名男子行劫。受害人腹部受伤,左胸仍插刀。 |
| 4. | Initial investigations revealed that the victim sustained cut wounds to her throat and wrist 初步调查显示死者颈部及手腕受伤,致死原因有待剖尸检验。 |
| 5. | Police officers deployed to the scene found that the man was dead and sustained cut wounds on his neck 接报到场的警员发现该名男子已死去,其颈上有割伤。 |
| 6. | The man , with a fatal cut wound on his neck , was later certified dead at princess margaret hospital 该名男子颈部有致命刀伤,其后在玛嘉烈医院伤重不治。 |
| 7. | Sustaining cut wound to his neck , he was rushed to queen elizabeth hospital where he was certified dead 该名三十八岁男子颈部受刀伤,被送往伊利沙伯医院后证实伤重不治。 |
| 8. | Post - mortems conducted today on the woman and the boy found that the duo died of multiple cut wounds on the neck 在今日进行的验尸结果显示,该两名死者均是因颈部多处刀伤致死。 |
| 9. | Police officers deployed to the scene found that the woman was dead and sustained cut wounds to her head and right hand 警员接报到场,发现该名女子已经死去,她的头部及右手有伤痕。 |
| 10. | Police arrived at the scene and found a woman with cut wound on her neck lying unconscious on the floor inside the unit 警员到达现场后发现一名女子颈部有刀伤,并昏倒在单位的地上。 |