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Chinese translation for "cut wound"

Example Sentences:
1.The frosts of winter had ceased; its snows were melted, and its cutting winds ameliorated .
2.More than 10 cut wounds were found on his left arm , waist , back and legs
3.The man sustained cut wound at his abdomen and a knife remained on his left chest
4.Initial investigations revealed that the victim sustained cut wounds to her throat and wrist
5.Police officers deployed to the scene found that the man was dead and sustained cut wounds on his neck
6.The man , with a fatal cut wound on his neck , was later certified dead at princess margaret hospital
7.Sustaining cut wound to his neck , he was rushed to queen elizabeth hospital where he was certified dead
8.Post - mortems conducted today on the woman and the boy found that the duo died of multiple cut wounds on the neck
9.Police officers deployed to the scene found that the woman was dead and sustained cut wounds to her head and right hand
10.Police arrived at the scene and found a woman with cut wound on her neck lying unconscious on the floor inside the unit
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